
By combining an umbrella event insurance with a production and operations team and a security company, we unburden our customers uniquely and radically.

Deworrying started as a show management company. After a production where we couldn't find the fire extinguisher at the right time, we decided not only to take care of the show but also the set-up and dismantling. This means that we always strive for production and operational effectiveness and safety of not only the equipment and people but also the interests of the organization.

Over the years we have proven ourselves as a reliable party that represents the right interests and is loyal to our clients. We do everything we can to think along and tackle the gray areas.

Deworrying has worked very hard towards a position where our customers not only rely on us operationally but also let us do the preparatory work. This does not only apply to the construction of the site, but we have been supplying personnel and operational management for years for entrances, security, command village, site, technology, catering for events such as Mysteryland, Kingsland, but also stand events such as Lichtjes Evening and Delf. Making safety plans and coordinating all services and personnel is therefore our specialty.

Our insurance completes the picture. Not only do we ensure that everything that is built is done correctly, but we also ensure that all damage and other problems are processed and dealt with by us. For the organizer, producer, or supplier, this is therefore no paperwork afterward. Deworrying solves the damage directly on the spot and thanks to our unique courtship we cover everyone and everything that happens on the site during the construction and dismantling and show.

Depending on the size of the event, this is an outline of what we deliver in combination with our event insurance;

We coordinate all movements on-site and document everything that is delivered and returned. We do that with;

  • A Deworrying in the production office, the machinery, and the boneyard.
  • A security guard at the supplier entrances.
  • Night surveillance

Apart from these basic parts, we can handle parts such as signing, placing inventory and fire extinguishers, building the inner leak line, and many other parts of the operation with our operational teams.

At the show, we not only like to tackle the cloudy shooting with our site boys, but we like to coordinate this from the CP with our CP(O)s. We take care of the outlying area and solve all problems with bus, taxi, and bicycle traffic coming towards the event site. We handle the corona checks, ticket scans, seal stations, and visitation with the right certified personnel in the right place.

If items are lost or broken during this entire process, by anyone, or there is a level or another calamity, we will deal with the incident and settle everything with the insurer during and after the festival or event. The maximum financial risk that an organization runs is 2500 euros. The rest is solved by Deworrying and its partners.

Would you like a free chat to discuss where Deworrying can assist you? Contact us!